19 months, 3 weeks
Here are some facts about our 20 month old:
- Like I have already posted, you became a big brother this past month and have done fantastic!
- At your 19 month check up you were 22 lbs (5%) and 32.5 inches (38%)
- Wear mainly size 12-18 months, 18 months, and some 18-24 months
- Size 5 shoes, some size 4.5 and some size 6 depending on brand
- 14 teeth
- The past two months you have really started to show interest in potty training, so against my plan, the Easter bunny brought to a potty seat and you love to sit on the big potty on it. I think you would sit there for an hour if I let you. No success just yet but you do verbally tell us when you have to go but go in your diaper before we make it.
- Right now you are obsessed with all things water. You love to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
- Your favorite things right now are airplanes and horses. You can spot both from miles away. You also still love cars, trucks, and all animals.
- This past month, I have introduced cartoons and educational shows (this momma needs a little bit of a break during the day). You will only attend for about 10 minutes. So far, you have only been interested in Mickey Mouse and Elmo.
- You are mainly talking in phrases now. Your new phrases these past few weeks include: "_____, love you" and "momma where'd _____ go?". You say new words every day that surprise us. You also ask questions ALL day long.
- You have been talking to the dogs lately like they are people. It is too funny. Yesterday you were eating a snack and I heard you tell Olivia, "Here Livia eat 'nack".
- You are still obsessed with your paci. I don't see us getting rid of it anytime soon.
- You have found several new things you love to do outside including digging in the dirt and mud, you also love the new chickens we just got.
- Still a great eater. You don't eat a whole lot but you still like a variety of things.
- You love to color. You can draw a vertical line, horizontal line, and in a circular motion.
- Working on your numbers and letters. You can count to 3.
- You can place large, simple puzzle pieces in the right places
- Can show us every body part.
- Ganna trimmed your hair this past month for your second hair cut
- You sleep well about 95% of the time but you have nights where you wake up and want one of us or milk. These nights have been hard considering we have a newborn at home. You are still doing great in your toddler bed but you also love to sleep on the floor. Lately, we will put you in your bed and you crawl out, get a pillow off of the bed, and lay down beside your door.
- Still taking one nap in the afternoons. They last anywhere from an hour to 2 hours.
- You are just now getting over your second ear infection and a terrible virus we all passed around.
- Another new thing you have gotten into is dragging your stool or a kitchen chair around the house to get whatever you want. I've tried and tried over again to tell you no and it's not safe, you have also gotten time out and spankings over it but it doesn't seem to phase you.
- You are still an adventurous, smart, hilarious little boy that loves to give kisses and is going non stop all day long!
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