Shaw Michael, you became a big brother this past month at the ripe old age of 19 months and you have exceeded all our expectations in your new role. You absolutely, with out a doubt, adore your baby brother. You are constantly wanting to kiss him and you tell us you want to hold him by patting your leg and saying "my lap". You have several different names for your new buddy including: bubba, brother, Button, Yutton, and Bobby (we think that one is a mix between baby and bubba). You are still unaware of your strength around him and we are constantly telling you to not lay on him, to not be rough, to be careful, and then the ever so often "don't swing the bat above your brother's head". To our surprise you know exactly which pacis are yours and which are his. You will bring me Sutton's pacis and say "brother paci", you also like to try to put it in his mouth. When he starts crying in another room you come running to get me screaming "brother!" like I am unaware of his unhappiness. You try to console him by patting him, sometimes on the bottom and sometimes on the head. You have shown very few signs of jealousy and we feel that, if anything, you have gotten to be less needy since he has arrived. You will give me a look several times a day that almost says, "I know, mom! Go deal with him.". You have tried to feed him several times now and we have to remind you that he is only big enough for mommy's milk. Even though you seem to understand, you forget and try to slip him a strawberry or cracker :). Seeing Sutton look at you and you try to interact with him is one of the greatest joys I have ever had, and I know that joy will only grow as y'all become the best of friends. I am so glad God blessed us with two boys so close in age that will have so many adventures together. I can't wait!
The day he came home fom the hospital
You thought cousin Rae Rae needed a little help holding him.
One of your favorite activities.
Checking each other out
Trying to make brother stop crying.
First Dr.'s visit with both boys and you acted like such a big boy!
You love him so much. You even tell him, "brother love you!".
Trying to give a little encourgament during tummy time.
What fun times we have ahead!
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