Some facts about our 14 month old:
- He officially started walking the week after he turned 13 months. So, gestationally he would have started walking on the week of his first birthday. I was due September 10 with him and I think he started walking on September 12. He is practically running everywhere now and it is EXHAUSTING! We can't keep up with him. Even though I do not believe in baby gates and think they are terribly ugly, I may be putting one or two up just to keep my sanity.
- He is a climber! Climbs on anything and everything. Therefore, we have lots of boo-boo's!
- We have had a rough month with teething. Have 4 new teeth from his last monthly post bringing his total to 6 with a couple more coming in.
- He had a little sinus infection last month and he had to take his second round of antibiotics ever. Luckily, they worked their magic and he was over it in a couple of days. My allergies have been terrible this fall and his have been pretty bad as well but the humidifier usually helps clear it up.
- The boy says so many words and a few phrases that we cant keep up with them. I need to start writing them down as he says them. Some I can think of are (that I haven't posted about before): hold me, come here, want more, cheese, shoe, again, milk, night night. Even though he can say quite a bit he still does the baby talk a lot that is hilarious.
- Everything is a phone. Whether it be our phones, the remote, or a random object he puts it up to his ear and says "hayyee!". Too cute.
- Has no fear. The boy tried to conquer steps at my parents this week. I, of course, was standing right there but couldn't catch him in time. He now has a lovely scabbed over scrape on his nose and a bruise on his head.
- Loves shoes. Will bring them to us or tries to put them on himself. His cowboy boots are his favorite.
- Can identify a few animals like a giraffe, lion, etc. We have a Noah's ark that we play with all the time that he has learned them from.
- Still loves to eat but vegetables are hard some days. Loves whole milk in his cup (we stopped all bottles the week after turning 13 months).
- He is all boy and likes to throw balls, play in the dirt, chase the dogs, and play with cars/trucks.
- Loves to "help" with different tasks like taking all the clothes out of the hamper while I am doing laundry or carrying the duster around while I clean.
- Wearing 12 months and 12-18 months. Size 4 and 5 shoes. We can't keep up with his foot growth!
- If I had to guess he weighs about 21 lbs. Weighed 20 1/2 at his sick visit last month.
- He is super long for how little he weighs. If I had to guess he is about 31/32 inches. Some of his 12-18 month jeans are getting too short. He is tall and skinny!
- Has a temper!!! Whewww can the boy throw fits. We are still using "no" with pats on the hand/ bottom for punishment, plus taking objects away depending on what it is. He understands "no" and will usually stop what he is doing, but will kick and scream if he doesn't get his way.
- Waves and says either "hi" or "bye bye" to everything. Whether it is a passing car or an animal walking by they get the wave. He also blows kisses.
- Funniest personality! We get complimented all the time with how funny and friendly he is.
- His sitter says he has really turned into a big boy the last two weeks. This makes me sad and happy at the same time. I don't want my baby to grow up, but know it will be good with another one coming in 4 months.
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