Monday, October 22, 2012

Gender Reveal #2

On October 11th, we found out the gender of baby #2. With Shaw, we did a gender reveal party with family, so we were with out a doubt doing one for this baby. I am really big on trying to do everything the same for each child. I want all my kids to have the same memories to look back on and I want the same traditions with each of them. We had our ultrasound at 9 that morning and we had people over that night. It was difficult to keep a secret all day long but I managed to do it!

**For the record, Josh did not keep a secret and somehow my brother got it out of him for the second time in a row. I think their conversation went something like this:
Brother: "Do you prefer Kenny Rogers or Dolly Parton?"
Husband: "I like Kenny way more"
Brother: "If you had a pet deer would you want a buck or a doe?"
Husband: "definitely a buck!"
Brother: "hehehe"
I laugh about it now, but I do think there were a few other family members that had their feelings hurt!

 My mom tried to talk us into finding out the gender with everyone at the party but I just can't fathom the thought of 40 people looking at me as I find out the gender of my child, so we found out during the scan. For Shaw's, I did the cupcakes with colored icing to reveal boy or girl. Since then, it seems like everyone else has also done that idea along with a few others popular ways to reveal the gender so I tried to think of something original.

I found this cute, free font online and printed on these envelopes. I knew I wanted a picture of the ultrasound to be inside, and then I thought about using either a hair bow or bow tie to identify which gender the baby is.

I hung this sign up behind the food table so everyone would get the idea of what to look for when they opened their envelopes.

I added this little "boy or girl?" chalkboard behind my fall wreath for a little extra flair :)

We served different soups, which turned out to be a great idea! I made taco soup, my mom made potato soup, and Josh's mom made white chicken chili. It was an easy and affordable way to feed about 40 people. Also, since I made the party fall themed, my friend's mom made some amazing cake balls that looked like pumpkins. I sadly didn't get a picture of them before they were all gone!

Some of our family and friends waiting to see the news!

And, this is what they saw......another boy!!! Baby boy #2! We still can't believe we are having another son.

This baby boy sported his "big bro" shirt and is beyond excited to be getting a baby brother!
I had a feeling all along we were having another boy. We have always dreamed of having two boys and think it couldn't be more perfect with them being so close in age! Just like the first time, I was more anxious about seeing a healthy baby than anything else. We have some birth defects that run in our family, so knowing this baby is healthy is the biggest blessing we could ask for. What will his name be? His name will be Sutton McCrae Hendricks. Sutton is actually the name I wanted to name Shaw, but after much debate :) Josh and I decided (obviously) on Shaw Michael for him and it couldn't fit more perfect! McCrae comes from the movie Lonesome Dove. Josh and I both grew up watching the movie so the idea of using that name came up early on in the pregnancy. I've always liked the idea of my kids  having the same initials, so we thought it would be perfect! We can't wait for Mr. Sutton to get here....but praying for at least 16 more weeks! God has blessed us beyond imagination with these two boys and we can't wait to raise them together!

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