Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sick Day

Shaw has been feeling "under the weather" since this weekend. But, with two more teeth coming in, I just figured it was teething. Sunday, he woke up with a rash on his face and it has steadily gotten worse. Last night, he started having fever so I figured it was time to take him to the Dr. To say he has been cranky is an understatement. I think the baby has done more crying in the last four days than he did from months 1-12. The Dr. confirmed he has a fever virus. She said there is a possibility it could be Fifth Disease, but since the rash is only on his face she doesn't think that is it. One ear is on the verge of an ear infection, our second one to ever have. His throat is also really red. The swab tested negative for Strep but she went ahead and sent it off for other cultures. Also, to top things off, she heard a slight heart murmur. She is going to listen again next week at his well child check up to make sure he doesn't need an echo done. His weight was also under from his last visit about a month ago. He hasn't eaten well in a few days, with eating little to nothing the last two days. He is staying hydrated so she didn't seem too concerned and said it was probably because his throat hurts. Even though I am almost 6 months pregnant, sometimes I wish I was still nursing him. His whole first year of life, he only got sick twice! Now, he has gotten sick twice in 2 months! Yuck! Not only is he the sickest he has ever been, the baby boy is missing his first Halloween party today at his sitter's. We are just hoping he feels good enough tomorrow to celebrate at our church festival and maybe do a little trick-or-treating to see family!
Close up of the rash. Can you tell his teeth are bothering him? Chewing on that finger!

First thing I could get him to eat all day. At least he slurped down two sippy's full of milk.

Sweet baby could still smile about something. He is into saying "cheese" and smiling when I get my phone out to take a picture of him :)
He has now been asleep for over an hour. Praying he can sleep, start eating, and get over this mess really fast!

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