Thursday, September 27, 2012


I never knew how fun the toddler stage could be. He keeps us laughing with all the funny (and smart) things he does. Like tonight, I never knew I would find delight in a naked bum walking as fast as possible to the bath tub from his room with the biggest grin on his face giggling the whole way. Also, the "all boy" things he does like tooting and then laughing at himself or purposely hitting the dogs with a plastic golf club and then laughing hysterically (don't worry, even though he comes nowhere near harming them and they usually run away, we still discipline him). He is also starting to really understand things and communicate with us. We will say "nuh uh, Shaw Michael, we do not do that" and he will look at us and say "nuh uh, nuh uh" while shaking his head no. His new thing over the last few weeks is putting my phone up to his ear and saying "hayyyeee!". He is also saying "hold me" but sometimes it sounds like "ohhhh me" like he is really put out with something! haha! We couldn't be prouder of our sweet, smart, and funny boy! I had someone tell me today, "I would have never known he was a preemie until you told me". This statement made me so proud knowing he is right where he needs to be. Here are some funny pictures I have taken this week with my phone.

Playing peek-a-boo with the curtains during dinner. The curtains have now been moved to the middle of the window, stylish I know, and will be taken down this weekend to be washed!
I looked over tonight while folding laundry and he had gotten Josh's shoes and had put them on his feet by himself. I was so stunned that he did it and so glad I got a picture of him wearing his daddy's shoes for the first time :).
We have this large stand up mirror in our room and he will spend 10 minutes in front of it just talking to himself. Well, in this picture he was looking at himself, smiling really big, saying "awwww!" and then would lean over the hug the mirror! Sweetest thing ever!
A couple of nights ago, I had put Oliver in his kennel for eating the left over food in the high chair. As soon as I put him in there Shaw looked at me like "what are you doing?!", went over to the kennel, worked on the hinges for about 2 minutes, and got the door open! I was so proud that I forgot Oliver was even in trouble in the first place!
Notice the empty toilet paper holder? One of his favorite things to do is empty it and then tear the toilet paper in little pieces and drop it in the toilet. I always let him do it (ya know, to work on motor coordination, bilateral integration, and all the fine motor skills that come with tearing!ha!) until he reaches into the toilet to retrieve the pieces. Then, the fun is over for me and we move on to something more appropriate!
What a fun time!! I am loving it!

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