Sunday, June 3, 2012

Celebrated and Dedicated: Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day this year had a whole new meaning for me. Last year, I was about 6 months pregnant on Mother's Day. I remember during the church service being so emotional about the fact that my status of being a mother was going to change in just a few short months. I yearned for this year when I could hold my sweet boy and love on him the whole day, and at church when they ask all the mothers to stand I would finally be able to do that (and thats exactly what I did with a clingy 9 month old on my hip). My first Mother's Day was perfect and the whole weekend was a blessing. We went home to be with the mothers in our lives. We spent time with my mom, Josh's mom, our sisters, and my grandmothers. On mother's day, we dedicated our sweet boy at our home church. We prayed for him and promised God we would raise him in a Christian home. Every night I pray that Shaw will look to Him in all the decisions that he makes and for him to seek His will. I also pray for him to have a Christian group of friends and for his future wife...that thought makes me a little sick to my stomach but I know the time will come :0). I know that Josh or myself can neither one decide Shaw's salvation for him but I do believe we can pray and lead him in the right direction to make that decision for himself one day. No other better way to celebrate being a mother than to promise my role before our church and God.

I took off on the Friday before because Josh's dad was being honored in a golf tournament. While he played in it, Shaw, Ganna, and I went to RaeRae's field day at school. It was surprisingly very chilly for May but we had a good time.

Before we know it he will be bigger than her. They grow up way too fast!

 Baby dedication 2012 at Sharon Missionary Baptist Church

Sweet boys

It was time to be fed and time for a nap!

Us with Josh's family

My family (or who we could get wrangled dad and grandparents aren't pictured)

Shaw got to meet his cousin Coy for the first time. They are almost 5 months a part but close to the same size!

My sweet family. Thank you God for my many blessings and for allowing me to be the wife and mommy of these two!

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