We had a fantastic weekend full of family time! It was surprisingly busy but relaxing all at the same time. On Friday night the boys and I headed to Little Rock to go eat at one of our favorite Mexican Restaurants and then we went shopping at the mall. Shaw got some new clothes and shoes for the fall and some stuff for next summer I found on sale (I am a huge bargain shopper!). On Saturday, we woke up bright and early to go take Shaw's one year pictures/family pictures at my grandmother's house. She lives on a beautiful piece of land that consists of a big field, large trees, a super old house, and some horses. It made for the perfect place to take pictures. Later that afternoon, we went to one of Shaw's little friend's birthday parties. Shaw loved being around the other babies and watching everyone play. Late Saturday afternoon, Josh decided he needed to take some firewood to his deer camp so we all took the hour drive there. Josh's deer camp is a special place for all of us, but especially to him. My family founded the camp in the 1950s and when Josh and his family moved to Benton, his dad randomly decided to join there...how coincidental, right?! Josh has spent many weekends and deer seasons at this camp and has so many memories with his dad there. He was so excited to get to introduce this special place to his own son. As he walked into their cabin he told Shaw, "this used to be where your Poppa camped". I know it will mean the world to him when Shaw is old enough to go on trips and they can make special memories like he made with his dad. After we left the camp, we went and ate at a popular catfish place that I like to say is in the middle of nowhere. It's a neat restaurant because they have a petting zoo with deer, goats, miniature horses, donkeys, and ducks. Also, their food is AMAZING! Thank goodness I am at the point in pregnancy where I am starting to get hungry again and can actually eat because I ate A TON! Today, we went to church and while Shaw napped I caught up on some Pinterest projects. What a great weekend we all needed!
Here are a couple of sneak peaks from our amazing photographer Jessica Morgan!
How am I so blessed?
Here is Shaw and Easton, the birthday boy. They are about a month a part and will be in the same grade growing up. Sweet boys!
Good ole' deer camp. This is the "cabin" Josh stays in with several other family friends. I might have to do some deep cleaning for them before I let me baby boy stay there ;)
Soaking it all in and getting a ton of mosquito bites even though I covered him in baby safe repellant that obviously doesn't work! Now I am paranoid about West Nile!
Many more trips to come and memories to make for these two.
This made me laugh!
Unless a family member can tell me different, I would say I am related in some way to 80-90% of these guys!
A sweet fawn that came right up to the fence to see us.
Amazed by the goats. We told him they were billy goats and by the end of the night he was calling them either goat or billy.
Two babes checking each other out.
The horses look so interested in him. At my grandmother's he LOVED the horses (which doesn't help my argument of not getting a horse in the future like Josh wants to). He would pet them, play with their ears, call them dog, and even got on one.
What a great time we all had!
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