Sunday, March 25, 2012

Let's Get Physical

Our orthopedic appointment for the scoliosis and torticollis went as I expected. Dr. B asked me to explain why we were there and then during my second or third sentence he stopped me and asked, "ummm what do you do?". Haha I just had to laugh. After I explained myself he then understood why I knew quite a bit more than he was expecting. He thinks that our sweet boy will eventually grow out of both but he agreed with me about starting PT :). Shaw has been advanced or right on track with his gross motor milestones up until about a month ago. That's when I started getting concerned about his tummy time skills. So, I brought him to work with me this past week and the PT I work with, which also happens to be a good friend, evaluated him. He is about at the 4-5 month level for all prone (tummy time) skills and up to the 11 month level for sitting skills. I wasn't surprised. I am very excited about him getting the extra help and can't wait to see the fast results. I am also super excited about someone else stretching his neck besides me. He looks at me like I am trying to break it off and screams the entire time! It is horrible!

Get ready for an overload of naked baby goodness :)

Daddy entertaining him while we wait for the Dr.

1.5 hour wait + 7 months old...lots of toys!

Getting checked out by Ms. Britt

This picture CRACKS.ME.UP. Hilarious!

Sweet baby smiling at daddy (and Ms. Lois in the background..we love her!)

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