- On his 8 month birthday I weighed him and he was 14 lbs. 12 oz. Not the 15 lbs I was hoping we would be at but very close. He is probably about right at 15 now. He has also gotten a lot longer in the last month so I am eager to see where he will be at his 9 month check up.
- Wearing size 3 and 4 diapers. I know he is only about 15 lbs but we get size 4 diapers so much cheaper from Aunt Carly and they actually fit him just fine so I am switching between the two!
- Still wearing size 3-6 month, 6 month, and some 6-9 month clothing.
- Our size 2 shoes are starting to fit better
- I have never mentioned his skin on here before but the boy still has BEAUTIFUL skin! Serious...since he came out his complexion has been perfect. I can count on one hand the amount of "baby pimples" he has gotten. We have had no issues with diaper rash, eczema, or any other common problem! Super blessed in this area. A few months back he had a minor case of cradle cap but nothing the soft bristled brush and some scrubbing didn't take care of :)
- Still on the same nursing schedule. He nurses 5 times every day. We are adding in a few formula bottles every once in a while (when he acts like he is still hungry after a feeding). Sometimes he takes them sometimes he doesn't.
- We are now on 3 full meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He usually has oatmeal/fruit for breakfast, one veggie/fruit for lunch, and 2 veggies for dinner.
- He has tried yogurt and egg yoke. Doesn't like the texture of either. He actually gagged on egg yoke so much he puked. We have also added in some new veggies. He is starting to dislike the green stuff and really love the sweet stuff.
- Taking a sippy cup OKAY. Some days he takes to it well and others he doesn't. He loves it a lot more when momma slips some apple juice in there ;)
- Sleeping has been very consistent. He sleeps anywhere from 10-13 hours. Most week mornings I have to wake him up (which should be a criminal offence)! On the weekends he will sometimes sleep until 8:30/9ish.
- We are about half and half on swaddling. Some nights he needs it, others he doesn't. Regardless, he breaks out of it every night and is without it in the mornings.
- He has been able to put his paci in his mouth for a while but this month he has been able to find it at night and put it back in. SCORE! It is pretty cute to watch on the monitor as well :)
- Still doing good in the car seat
- Sitting up in the big bathtub now and loving it even more. He usually cries when we take him out.
- Making leaps and bounds with tummy time. He can now scoot on his tummy, but he mostly just rolls everywhere and to get whatever he wants. I wouldn't be surprised if he is crawling by next month's post. We will see.
- If he is on his back he will grab onto whatever is around him and try to sit up.
- Has his first PT appointment tomorrow
- The boy talks up a storm! He can now say the sounds/words: mama, dada, byby, baba, wawa and several more
- Giggles, laughs, cackles
- Has two teeth that are semi through.
- Still a side sleeper even though he rolled to his tummy while sleeping last night for the first time. He then woke up super confused, back arched, and screaming. Once we came to the rescue and turned him back over he was fine.
- Still a huge momma's boy. Actually, besides his Ms. Tammy, I am the only one he ever wants. He has reached to a few people while I am holding him, which always makes me feel good.
- Mimicking really well. He likes to mimic sounds and actions
- Almost has clapping down. He will move his arms in the motion but his little hands miss each other
- Loves to play the bashful hide and seek game. Super cute
- Silly, silly. Always making hilarious faces, sounds, and giggles
- Loves: being outside, wearing sunglasses (odd, I know), going on walks, jumping, being around the dogs, his Ms. Tammy, peaches/plums/apples, rolling, his paci, bathtime, and anything he can chew on.
This face explains our little ham perfectly! haha
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