Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Post Full of "Firsts"

Once again, I have let too much time go since I have posted. Have I said how busy we are?! Between moving across the state within the next few weeks, having a 12 week old, and living just everyday life I would say I have no extra time on my hands. Also, it is that time of year again, the holidays!!! Not only do we have the excitement of Halloween (we just dress up, trick-or-treat, and go to the pumpin real celebration of the actual meaning behind the day), Thanksgiving, and Christimas, but my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew are coming for a visit in two weeks and we could not be more thrilled! They will be meeting Shaw for the first time and I just know he will love them so much, especially cousin Easton, who will be one in November. So, this post if full of a few of the many "firsts" we have shared with little man.

First real bath on 9/5/11, one day before he turned 5 weeks old

First wedding to attend on 9/10/11. With the beutiful bride, Lindsey Greer, at the rehearsal dinner at 5 weeks old

First time to go to church on 9/11/11, 5 weeks old 

 First time to see himself in the mirror, on 9/26/11 a day before he turned 8 weeks

First four-wheeler ride with Daddy, 9/30/11 at 8 weeks old

The next few pictures are of the first time he rolled over (he has now done it three more times). Josh yelled at me to hurry and get the camera. I ran in there and captured it. We were all so excited :) 10/7/11 at 9 weeks old

 yay!! I made it!!

First Benton Panther football game 10/14/11 10 weeks old
 With cousin Rae Rae

 First time to sit in the Bumbo like a big boy 10/20/11, 11 weeks old
 Big Bubby wanted in the picture

All bundled up for his first Race For the Cure 10/22/11, 11 weeks old. I didn't get a picture with my camera (did with my phone) but he wore a onesie that his Ganna made that said "Boob Man" and that had the pink ribbon on it. It was super cute :) 

Aunt Carly and Mommy before the race started

Even though this is no where near all the exciting "firsts" we have experienced, these are some of the ones I have captured with my camera. I have so many more pictures on my phone since it is with me at all times and more convenient. Hopefully, one day I will figure out how to put them on here. If you can't tell, he is becoming more fun as the days pass and has such a cute personality!

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