A third of his first year has already come and gone :(. Like they say, the days may be long but the years are TOO short. I really love this stage and all the new developments that seem to be occurring daily! Sutton McCrae here's what you are all about at 4 months:
• Yesterday, at the doctor, you weighed 15 lbs 5.4 oz (63%) and was 25.5 inches (75%).
• Wearing all 3-6 and 6 month clothing. Still in size 2 diapers but for not much longer.
• Still sleeping around 8 hours at night but since you go to bed at 8 that means you still wake up at least once. You can start sleeping through the night at any time now!
• Not being swaddled anymore but still using the Velcro blankets with your arms free. You got too big for all our swaddlers and you were breaking out so I stopped using them.
• Have been laying flat in your crib for the last two weeks! No more nap nanny! Yay!
• Started rolling back to belly last week. I didn't believe it at first but now there is no denying that you are a roller. You are even rolling over at night.
• The Dr. thinks you will be "one of those" 5 month crawlers and 9 month walkers. I know some people like for their kids to be advanced but I'm an average kind of gal. This is mainly because I already have one to chase around and sure do not need another one just yet. :)
• You found your feet this past week and they have become your new best friends!
• You were taking the paci better but now you hate it and refuse all kinds. I have come to the conclusion that you aren't going to be a paci baby. You like to chew on your hand (we think you may be teething) but you aren't a defined thumb sucker. We are still trying to figure out what your "thing" is. You use me a lot to be comforted but we are hoping to find something else for when I'm not around.
• Started laughing this past month. You also do the high pitched squeal a lot!
• Your hair in the back is starting to grow back and it seems to still be a shade of red.
• You have such a sweet, laid back personality. You are chill 90% of the time and just sweeter than pie.
• Usually just take one long nap during the day.
• Still nurse every 3-4 hours and take 5 oz bottles every 3-4 hours the days I work. You went through a phase of not wanting the bottle and some days it's a fight but for the most part you do good with it.
• Going through the "I really hate the carseat" phase. Whether it's for 5 minutes or an hour you are usually screaming the entire time :).
• You were introduced to the Jumparoo a couple of weeks ago and you thoroughly enjoy yourself in it.
This month, brother demanded to get into some of the photos. This was the best one we got of our two little rug rats!
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