Monday, June 3, 2013

Shaw 22 months

(This picture was taken at 19 months)
Oh what a fun stage we are in. Shaw is quite the smart, hard-headed, trying to break boundaries, typical almost two year old. We have our good days and we have our bad days. He has the funniest little personality and knows how to entertain. The picture above shows off his fun loving personality perfectly. I could get all sappy but I'm not going to let myself. Let's just say I can NOT believe he will be two in a couple of months and he is growing up so much before our eyes. I am so afraid I am going to be getting him ready to go kindergarten before I know it.
  • He is still a little bitty thing. Weighs about 23 pounds but is getting pretty tall. If I had to guess he is about 34 inches.
  • He is almost caught up to wearing his actual size :). He wears mainly 18 month clothes with some 12-18 month and some 18-24 month stuff mixed in.
  • He has all his teeth except his 2 year molars.
  • He is such a good little helper. I can ask him to go get me a burp cloth or his brother's paci and he will respond with "yes" and march right off to get it.
  • He has shown some negative behaviors towards his brother lately. I don't think he is being all out mean but it is more of a retaliation. Poor thing is always hearing, "don't do that to brother", so I think it is his way of getting some of his anger out. None the less, he will have it coming for him when brother starts being mobile since they are only about 9 lbs a part right now. We figure they will be the same size once Sutton is a year old.
  • He has become a daddy's boy over the last few months. Naturally, I have to spend more time with Sutton so he resorts to his daddy a lot.
  • He is doing very good with his numbers, letters, and some of his colors.
  • He loves to color, paint, and play with his bath crayons.
  • Loves the water. All kinds. He could spend hours in the bath, pool, or lake.
  • Still loves airplanes, tractors, and horses.
  • Being outside is his favorite.
  • Sleeps well and still takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons.
  • He is currently getting over a cough and fever. I think this is his 3rd or 4th time to be sick during his second year.
  • Paci is still his best friend. I don't see this changing anytime soon even though I am going to try to attempt taking it away over the summer and before he turns two.
  • Since brother has arrived he has shown very little interest in potty training even though he told me today he had "poo poo".
  • Has a love for "Mickey Moush" and Elmo
  • The boy talks, talks, and talks some more. He keeps surprising us with all his words, phrases, and how well he understands stuff. Over the last month he has really shown his understanding of temperature and emotions. He can correctly say when something is hot or cold. He will say "ice cold", "water hot". He also knows the difference in happy and sad. He will come tell me "brother happy" or "brother sad".
  • Loves being around other kids but sometimes acts like he doesn't know how to play back. He has only been out of a sitter for 3 months now but I am eager to get him back into a program 1 day a week to be around others his age in a structured setting.
Shaw Michael you have taught your daddy and I so much. Some days you are a tough little booger and everything has to go your way or you throw fits. Fits where you kick, scream, and make your momma want to run away! Ha! You are still a whiner :) but you are slowly starting to be able to tell us your emotions instead of expressing them in that way. You are really starting to catch on to when and how you will get into trouble, but yet some days you just can't help yourself. You love to give us all kisses and request "brother kiss" several times a day. You demand to be rocked every night before bed time and still have a love for books. You are such a smart, hilarious little boy and we are so happy Sutton has you to look up to.

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