Saturday, June 29, 2013


Shaw enjoyed his first bubble bath a couple of weeks ago. Since then, bubbles have been added to almost every bath he has had. As long as we get everything washed, bubbles at the end it is!


 They may be fun to play with but he found out real fast they are not fun to eat.

 Too much fun!

Sutton 4 months

A third of his first year has already come and gone :(. Like they say, the days may be long but the years are TOO short. I really love this stage and all the new developments that seem to be occurring daily! Sutton McCrae here's what you are all about at 4 months:

• Yesterday, at the doctor, you weighed 15 lbs 5.4 oz (63%) and was 25.5 inches (75%).
• Wearing all 3-6 and 6 month clothing. Still in size 2 diapers but for not much longer. 
• Still sleeping around 8 hours at night but since you go to bed at 8 that means you still wake up at least once. You can start sleeping through the night at any time now! 
• Not being swaddled anymore but still using the Velcro blankets with your arms free. You got too big for all our swaddlers and you were breaking out so I stopped using them. 
• Have been laying flat in your crib for the last two weeks! No more nap nanny! Yay! 
• Started rolling back to belly last week. I didn't believe it at first but now there is no denying that you are a roller. You are even rolling over at night. 
• The Dr. thinks you will be "one of those" 5 month crawlers and 9 month walkers. I know some people like for their kids to be advanced but I'm an average kind of gal. This is mainly because I already have one to chase around and sure do not need another one just yet. :)
• You found your feet this past week and they have become your new best friends! 
• You were taking the paci better but now you hate it and refuse all kinds. I have come to the conclusion that you aren't going to be a paci baby. You like to chew on your hand (we think you may be teething) but you aren't a defined thumb sucker. We are still trying to figure out what your "thing" is. You use me a lot to be comforted but we are hoping to find something else for when I'm not around.
• Started laughing this past month. You also do the high pitched squeal a lot! 
• Your hair in the back is starting to grow back and it seems to still be a shade of red. 
• You have such a sweet, laid back personality. You are chill 90% of the time and just sweeter than pie. 
• Usually just take one long nap during the day. 
• Still nurse every 3-4 hours and take 5  oz bottles every 3-4 hours the days I work. You went through a phase of not wanting the bottle and some days it's a fight but for the most part you do good with it. 
• Going through the "I really hate the carseat" phase. Whether it's for 5 minutes or an hour you are usually screaming the entire time :). 
• You were introduced to the Jumparoo a couple of weeks ago and you thoroughly enjoy yourself in it. 

Sutton, you are a Momma's boy but think you daddy is the funniest thing. You are still a little peculiar of your brother even though he loves you so much it hurts sometimes...literally. He loves to hug you a little too hard and his favorite thing to do is scream in your tiny ears. No worries, in a few months y'all will be close to the same size and he will have it coming :). We love you to the moon and back, sweet boy!

This month, brother demanded to get into some of the photos. This was the best one we got of our two little rug rats!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Good Morning

I'm really counting my blessings this morning. The little blessings like my white mocha coffee creamer in my one cup of coffee, the dogs that are snuggled on the couch, and the 1980s version of Sesame Street that Shaw is glued to this morning.  Sutton woke up about the same time I did this morning. I fed him and then he played happily in his pack n play while I got ready. I was able to get him back to sleep, fix my coffee, and pick up the living room before Shaw woke up. He then sat on the couch quietly drinking his milk, eating his berries, and watching that quirky Sesame Street show teaching him about numbers. I sat in awe of our simple morning and smiled at all my blessings. Thank you, Lord, for the quite mornings. 

"Because of the Lord ’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22, 23 NIV)

Monday, June 3, 2013

One on One Time

When big brother goes to Ganna and Pops' for the afternoon, little brother and mommy get to play! We had a good time doing tummy time, playing on his play mat, and cooing at each other. I would smile and he would smile back. I think he enjoyed it. 


Sweeter than pie, that boy!

Shaw 22 months

(This picture was taken at 19 months)
Oh what a fun stage we are in. Shaw is quite the smart, hard-headed, trying to break boundaries, typical almost two year old. We have our good days and we have our bad days. He has the funniest little personality and knows how to entertain. The picture above shows off his fun loving personality perfectly. I could get all sappy but I'm not going to let myself. Let's just say I can NOT believe he will be two in a couple of months and he is growing up so much before our eyes. I am so afraid I am going to be getting him ready to go kindergarten before I know it.
  • He is still a little bitty thing. Weighs about 23 pounds but is getting pretty tall. If I had to guess he is about 34 inches.
  • He is almost caught up to wearing his actual size :). He wears mainly 18 month clothes with some 12-18 month and some 18-24 month stuff mixed in.
  • He has all his teeth except his 2 year molars.
  • He is such a good little helper. I can ask him to go get me a burp cloth or his brother's paci and he will respond with "yes" and march right off to get it.
  • He has shown some negative behaviors towards his brother lately. I don't think he is being all out mean but it is more of a retaliation. Poor thing is always hearing, "don't do that to brother", so I think it is his way of getting some of his anger out. None the less, he will have it coming for him when brother starts being mobile since they are only about 9 lbs a part right now. We figure they will be the same size once Sutton is a year old.
  • He has become a daddy's boy over the last few months. Naturally, I have to spend more time with Sutton so he resorts to his daddy a lot.
  • He is doing very good with his numbers, letters, and some of his colors.
  • He loves to color, paint, and play with his bath crayons.
  • Loves the water. All kinds. He could spend hours in the bath, pool, or lake.
  • Still loves airplanes, tractors, and horses.
  • Being outside is his favorite.
  • Sleeps well and still takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons.
  • He is currently getting over a cough and fever. I think this is his 3rd or 4th time to be sick during his second year.
  • Paci is still his best friend. I don't see this changing anytime soon even though I am going to try to attempt taking it away over the summer and before he turns two.
  • Since brother has arrived he has shown very little interest in potty training even though he told me today he had "poo poo".
  • Has a love for "Mickey Moush" and Elmo
  • The boy talks, talks, and talks some more. He keeps surprising us with all his words, phrases, and how well he understands stuff. Over the last month he has really shown his understanding of temperature and emotions. He can correctly say when something is hot or cold. He will say "ice cold", "water hot". He also knows the difference in happy and sad. He will come tell me "brother happy" or "brother sad".
  • Loves being around other kids but sometimes acts like he doesn't know how to play back. He has only been out of a sitter for 3 months now but I am eager to get him back into a program 1 day a week to be around others his age in a structured setting.
Shaw Michael you have taught your daddy and I so much. Some days you are a tough little booger and everything has to go your way or you throw fits. Fits where you kick, scream, and make your momma want to run away! Ha! You are still a whiner :) but you are slowly starting to be able to tell us your emotions instead of expressing them in that way. You are really starting to catch on to when and how you will get into trouble, but yet some days you just can't help yourself. You love to give us all kisses and request "brother kiss" several times a day. You demand to be rocked every night before bed time and still have a love for books. You are such a smart, hilarious little boy and we are so happy Sutton has you to look up to.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Yesterday, I had a relaxing day at home with my boys.
No where to go, nothing to do.
Nothing to do as of in playing, napping, one load of dishes, and 3 loads of laundry.
It was a day I needed.
I caught little brother looking at himself in his mirror. Look at his hair :(. Haha, it looks like he has a really bad hair cut.
I put Shaw's table out in the garage so he could paint. This was our first painting experience and he loved it.

Little brother looked on and simply enjoyed being outside.

The finished product. Paper, table, my hair, and even an attempt at Sutton's face. There was paint everywhere.