Each month that passes and each milestone that is mastered is more emotional for me this go around. The thought that this possibly could be our last baby (depending on what God's plans are for our family) makes me want to stop time. I have embraced this stage of life much more this time as well. I remember praying that Shaw would sleep through the night, in which he did at 9 weeks. Sutton is now about to be 13 weeks and I can count on two hands how many times "sleeping through the night" has happened for us. But, like I said, I would get up with him 3 times a night if I knew it meant more cuddle time. I may be sleep deprived and barely make it through my work days but I know I will miss him being this little and needing me every 3 hours once this time is over. He has become such a sweet, happy baby. My heart could just explode every time he smiles or coos at us,
which means it could explode constantly since the boy never stops smiling. Here are some more facts about our sweet Bug:
• I weighed him yesterday and he weighs 14 lbs 3.5 oz.
• At 10 weeks I took him to the dr and he was 13 lbs 6.5 oz and 24 inches long (70% for both)
• Still in size 2 diapers, size 3-6 month, 3 month, and 6 month clothing
• Like I said earlier he slept through the night for the first time at 10 weeks but it has been really inconsistent. He sleeps anywhere from 6-9 hours. He goes to bed around 8 every night.
• Still EBF and nurses every 3-4 hours. Takes a 4 oz bottle every 3-4 hours when I'm working. I keep thinking he should be taking more with how big he is but he wants nothing to do with it after 4 oz.
• Sweeter than sweet. The boy only cries when he is hungry or overly tired. In the words of Phil he is "happy, happy, happy!"
• Taking the paci much better but would way rather just suck on his hand which we are trying to prevent at all cost.
• He is trying so hard to roll over to his belly. He can make it to his side and then can't go any further.
• Is really starting to enjoy tummy time. I think he likes the new perspective on his surroundings.
• Holding his head up great and enjoys the Bumbo.
• Loves to watch his brother. His little eyes will just follow him all over the room.
• Has done great with me eating dairy again. No bad tummy issues even though he still spits up some but I believe it's still within normal.
• I have been finding his little hair all over his bed (yes, it's all in a baggy). Shaw's never did fall out so I'm wondering if his will come back another color. He still has a ton on top and it gets redder by the week.
• Most definitely has blue eyes.Sutton McCrae you are such a joy to be around. I think I will be able to say that you were our happy baby :). You have the sweetest nature, love to be cuddled, and are so curious of your brother. We love you, sweet boy!
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