Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Two Year Old Sutton

We had a low key party this year for our Sutton Button. He requested Mickey Mouse, so we invited family over and celebrated with cookies and cupcakes. Our initial plan was to take a trip to celebrate his birthday but daddy had to go out of town on a last minute trip for work so that was cancelled. We will hopefully make up for it this summer.

Dear Sutton,
You still have the shy, gentle personality you had as a baby. You are so loving and love to cuddle and "pat". You adore your brother and sister, but you fight with your brother just how you are supposed to. Oh, do y'all fight over toys or what?! You exclaim to everyone that Sylvie is "my sissy" and have been very protective of her in crowds. In your free time, you always pick some kind of ball over any other type of toy. You also like blocks, trucks, play food and kitchen toys, and riding on your car. You have always played well by yourself but enjoy for mommy, daddy, or bubba to play along. You always say, "I show you!" when you want us to come play or look at something you are interested in.

You love playing outside and throwing rocks. You can sing more songs than I can with your favorites being "Where is thumkin", "She'll be coming around the mountain", and "the wheels on the bus". You also know several songs that come on K-Love and sing along to every word. You get praises in Puggles on a weekly basis for being the only one that sings and does the motions during music class. You say hilarious phrases like, "Okay guys!" and "Barney is brutal!" (your Daddy taught you that one). You can say your ABC's and count to fifteen. You know some of your colors and all your animals. You talk in full sentences and you are becoming clearer with pronunciation by the day.

We got rid of your beloved paci a few weeks after you turned two and you have been a champ with it. We went to Build-a-Bear and your brother and you both picked animals to stuff them in. You picked a giraffe and we dressed him like a firefighter. After about three nights, you haven't asked for it since. Much better than your brother has done. You still take a two to three hour nap in the afternoons. You sleep well most nights but we are afraid you suffer from bad dreams some nights due to you waking up crying.

You go number two in the potty on a daily basis but we still haven't tackled peepee'ing in the potty just yet. Number two was super easy with you so I am hoping once the summer rolls around we will be able to be completely potty trained in just a few days.

You are still our good eater but have gone through a couple picky stages in this last year. Your favorite things to eat are chicken nuggets, broccoli, and any other kind of meat. You are on the petite side at only 25 lbs. but what is new?! We are just going to have small kids.

You love all the people in your family and talk about them constantly. One of your favorite people in the world was your Daddy Buck who passed away on April 8th. You two adored each other and had so much fun together. I pray that you will always have flickering memories of him as you grow up.

You started going through the "terrible twos" at about 22 months, and even though you can throw some true redheaded fits, you still aren't too "terrible". You do like to get your way but you enjoy sharing your toys and you get along with others well. You have a soft heart like you momma and are continuously worried about others. You want to make sure everyone is okay and happy even at your young age.

We love you so much, Sutton McCrae. We pray that you will follow The Lord's will for your life and seek Him in every situation. You will always be mommy's baby boy.


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