Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sutton 8 months

What a smart and funny boy we have on our hands! This boy is really starting to get a personality and is a pure joy.
A few things about your 7th month and what you are doing now:
  • You weigh between 18 and 19 lbs. Some friends are borrowing our baby scale so I do not know your exact weight.
  • Still wearing all the same size clothes, diapers, and shoes
  • Sleep hasn't really been our friend this past month. You have had several nights where your tummy has been hurting and sleep hasn't been on any of our sides. But, usually, you wake up once, anywhere from 2-4, and then you've decided you really like to sleep in. You will sleep until about 8:30 every morning. You sleep through the night 1 or 2 nights a week.
  • You LOVE food, all food. You still eat pureed baby food but love to feed yourself. You like cut up green beans, peas, cut carrots, slices of avocado, and blue berries. Your favorite food right now is yogurt. You eat three big meals, at least one snack, and nurse 4 times throughout the day.
  • Learned to crawl about 3 weeks ago. You are pretty fast now and you are in the next room before we know it. You love to follow us and especially love to know what your brother is doing!
  • You are easily amused. You laugh at the drop of a hat.
  • You have started pulling up but still not very steady on your feet.
  • We will make a sound and you will imitate us. It becomes a game and you love to play the grunting game with your daddy.
  • You are getting better about sitting up and finding your paci by yourself during the night.
  • You have the most laid back, chill personality!
  • You love to smack your lips, click your tongue, and make bubbles.
  • You actually play with toys, and you can entertain yourself. I don't remember your brother doing either at this age.
  • Your favorite time of the day is bath time. You hold your own against your brother and splash just as big as he does.
  • Still just two teeth but I think that number will change within the next few days
Sutton McCrae you are such a blessing and I thank God for giving you to us every single day.

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