Friday, September 2, 2011

One month old

Shaw Michael you are one month old today. You are one sweet, easy going baby. The only time you cry is when you are hungy, and there have only been a couple of times when you have cried just because you wanted to be held. You have been home with us for two weeks now and we have felt so blessed getting to love you on 24/7. Here are some facts about you:
  • You weigh 5 lb. 13 oz. as of last night
  • You are wearing preemie and newborn diapers
  • You wear preemie clothes, some of which are still too big on you
  • You nurse every two and half to three hours during the day and every three to five hours at night. You are a great eater!
  • You love your infant seat and nap nanny. You sleep in your nap nanny at night per recommendations of the nurses and Drs. in the NICU since you slept on an incline the first two weeks of your life. You do get to lay flat during your play/nap time on your owl mat during the day.
  • You and your furry brother are really starting to like and pay attention to each other. He sniffs you and you just stare at him :)
  • You love your paci!
  • You love your mommy dearly but you adore your daddy. He can take you in his arms and you automatically calm down.
  • Besides a few issues with gas, you have been one easy baby
  • You are a grunter and make noises ALL the time
  • You makes hilarious faces and smile randomly. It also makes me cursious at what you are thinking
  • You do NOT like tummy time!
We feel so blessed that God chose us to be your parents. We can't wait to watch you grow and learn, we love you so much!

He wasn't very happy about getting his picture made :) this is how he felt by the end

1 comment:

  1. Precious. I'm not surprised at all that Joshua has that magic touch. Shaw's Poppa had it too. He was simply extraordinary, not with just Ash & Josh as babies, but with my four and others. We love you guys!!
