Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sylvie is ONE!!

On November 13th, our baby girl turned one! I still can't believe it. I spent the day sobbing (a few times). The tears really came when I was setting up for her party. I mean, could it really be the last one year party I ever set up for?! Even though I am sad and my heart may yearn for another baby in our house at some point, we are so excited to see our children grow, learn, and watch their personalities unfold. In the future, could a fourth come through adoption? Possibly, but right now we are enjoying our two boys and one girl. This year flew by and I would do anything to relive it again. I slept very little and stayed tired a lot of the time but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Our sweet Sylvie Reid has become such a tenderhearted little girl and she seems to be changing constantly. Here is all about her at 12 months and a look into her birthday party.
  • She weighs right under 20 lbs. and is 29 inches long.
  • Still wears size 4 diapers
  • Size 9-12 and 12 months clothes. Size 2 and 3 shoes.
  • Still nurses 3-4 times a day. I am continuing to pump 1x a day at work to keep her mainly on breast milk until the winter months are over. I also have 13 weeks of breast milk stored in the freezer. For now, she does not want to wean anytime soon and I am completely fine with that. Her daddy and I are going on a trip in July so she will need to be weaned by then (she will be 20 months old).
  • Grossmotor wise she still crawls but can cruise and likes to let go and stand by herself. She is getting more brave each day. She also walks behind toys. 
  • She is so verbal and talks a lot. She can say well over 20 words and we are hearing new ones almost every day. Her nursery worker told me today after church that she was calling her "Mamie" and her name is Jamie. She also says the phrases "There she is" and "Here ya go". She is a talker!
  • She loves to give kisses and hugs
  • She dances when she hears music
  • She LOVES pictures and wants us to tell her every person in each one.
  • She also loves books and art work and wants to know the name of every animal and thing.
  • Points at everything
  • Loves to empty drawers and baskets.
  • Her eating really picked up this past month and she seems to be eating more. I started a few grains with her (pastas and corn).
  • Loves her baby dolls and likes to snuggle them and give them love.
  • She has decided that she is scared to ride in the car seat (still backwards) at night. If we turn the light on she is completely fine.
  • On her birthday she had 5 teeth, she now has 7.
  • The week before her birthday, she decided to start sleeping through the night. She normally sleeps 7:30-6:30. (mama feels like a new person!)
  • She is going through a phase of not wanting anything on her head. This started this at about 10 months old but I keep telling her I will win that battle and she WILL wear bows :) Her hair is now long enough to clip a small bow in!!
  • She gets absolutely giddy when she sees her brothers in the morning or if she has been away from them.
  • Drinking raw, whole milk out of a sippy cup with meals
  • Loves hand games (wheels on the bus is her favorite) and we have started having tea parties. She giggles when she takes a drink and says "mmhmm" when she takes a bite. She likes to share her tea cup and spoon.
  • Still the happiest baby and has the cheesiest grin! 

On her birthday, we had a party at her Mimi's house with family and friends. We served chili and soups and it was really a great party! The table turned out exactly how I envisioned: sweet, dainty, and girly.

Happy one year, Sylvie Reid. You are so loved, baby girl. I can't wait to see what all adventures your second year brings us.