Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sylvie 10 months

Double digits y'all. It took no time and our baby girl is already TEN months. Only two more months and my last baby will be one, and I am so so sad about it. I also have done nothing to plan for her first birthday party. I'm now only working three days a week and still have no time to get things done. Three children alone is hard work. I do not possibly see how women how work full time outside of the home do it when they have more than two children. Three is a whole new ballgame. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I will find some extra time laying around somewhere to start making plans. Here is all about our little sweetie at 10 months old!

  • She weighs around 20 lbs. We go this week for her 9 month check up (yes, a month late)
  • She has moved up to size 2 shoes. She still has itty bitty feet but they are growing
  • No eating veggies, fruit, and meat. Still not doing any grains.
  • Still only has 2 teeth but the front, top teeth are SLOWLY making their way in. I would have bet she would have had them by now but they are taking their sweet time.
  • Still waving at everyone while saying "hi!" and "bye bye". She also starting giving high fives this past week.
  • Crawling quickly everywhere. She is now crawling more on her hands and knees than army crawling.
  • Started pulling up last week.
  • Mastered the step between rooms in my grandmother's house today. Anther reason why I am thankful we do not have steps in our home.
  • Started pointing at things this past month. Her daddy likes to toss her up in the air and for the first time she would point up after he was done telling him to do it more. She has also started pointing at toys and people
  • Has really started interacting and loving hand games. She will clap when we start singing patty cake.
  • She is now a dancer! Music comes on and her little body starts moving :) 
  • Still a hoover. My one and only child that literally puts everything in her mouth. It's a daunting task since she is so mobile. I'll actually be happy when she starts walking because then she won't be eye level with the floor anymore! ha!
  • Still adores her baby sitter. She almost jumps out of my arms every morning into hers. That is such a blessing to this mama!
  • The happiest, most content baby around. Often times I keep thinking I need to be doing something with her since she plays by herself so easily. I think her favorite thing to do is entertain herself. 
  • She loves blocks, baby dolls, and all things she isn't supposed to be playing with like dirty shoes!
  • Her brothers call her "pretty girl". I hope they always call her that!
Sylvie Reid, you are such a doll baby. Your contagious smile could make even the worst days better. We love you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pre-k Three {Round Two}

Yesterday was Shaw's first day of preschool for the year. Due to his birthday being one day past the state cut off we are doing the 3 year old class again. This year went so much smoother than last year for both of us. He walked in like he owned the place and I felt such at ease and no anxiety on how he would do. He was so excited to start a new year with his teacher and meet new friends. Last year we started a tradition of Josh and I both taking off that morning and taking him to breakfast. This year we had John, Ashley, and Sam come with us which was fun. Shaw and Sam are in the same class which should make for some interesting and funny stories for years to come :)

Last year on the left, this year on the right. OH MY! What a difference a year makes!

He was snack boy on the first day so we did an apple theme. My friend made us apple cake balls and we took sliced apples. He even took Mrs. Susan a plate of the cake balls! They were adorable!

"If teachers were apples I would pick you every time" (and look at that signature) :)

Walking in with daddy!

Sam and Shaw, sweet cousins!

Here's to another great year at Children's Corner in Mrs. Susan's class.