- Today she weighed 16 lbs. 12 oz.
- Size 3 diapers
- Size 6, 9, and 6-12 months clothes
- Her first tooth (bottom left) popped through this past week so technically at 7 months but since I am a week late I'm going to document it here.
- Started eating solids this past month. Not a huge fan of purees and HATES the spoon so we almost immediately went to small pieces of food and some pureed foods out of a pouch. Her favorites are pieces of blueberries and sweet potatoes. She is doing a great job at trying to feed herself. She can get the piece to her mouth but often times drops it. She is also a great chewer.
- It seemed like she had a earache all month. She had her first trip to the chiropractor this past week and I am already starting to see my smiling, happy baby again!
- Talking all the time. She now says: dada, byebye, and the "n" sound like she is saying "night night" but she refuses to say "mama" :(
- Still takes 6 oz bottles when she takes one and nurses every 3-4 hours during the day
- Wake up time this past month has been around 5:30 but she eats and goes right back to sleep
- Either takes two shorts naps or one long one in the afternoon
- Has gotten up on her knees a few times this past month but no crawling yet
- Sitting up like a champ
- Still rolling everywhere and can be across the room before you know it
- Since it is hot out now, we are letting the dogs inside more and she LOVES them. She gets so excited and squeals whenever they are around
- Clapped her hands for the first time this month
- Her personality and gestures seemed to have really matured this past month.
- Starting to show some separation anxiety. Instead of reaching for people like she was doing, she now turns and buries her face in mine or her daddy's shoulder like she doesn't want to leave us.
- Still has a delightful, quite nature. Even though she seemed fussy this past month she was still so happy and lovable.
We love you so much, Sis! You are becoming such a fun, sweet girl! It is so fun to watch you learn and grow every day.