Saturday, May 16, 2015

Disney on Ice and Daddy's Surpise

We enjoyed Disney on Ice with Josh's family at the beginning of May. We had a great time but due to it starting at 7:00 and lasting about 2 hours, Sutton and Sylvie were both very tired by the end. Shaw held up the whole time. Overall, it was a fun time and very enjoyable. The boys loved seeing all the characters and said that the Toy Story portion was their favorite part.

A few days later, I surprised Josh with a graduation party. This party had been in the works for months and I had scores of people helping me pull it together. There were 55 people there to celebrate him and his accomplishments. When we pulled up to his mom's house he admitted that he knew something had to be going on with how I had been acting but he didn't know when, where, or what. The one thing he knew nothing about was the surprise gift I got him, a side-by-side for him to have for hunting and to take the family on rides with. 

Fun month so far. We can't wait for summer break and warm days to play outside.

Sylvie 6 months

I can't believe our last baby is SIX months old. I've shed a few tears this last week because she is growing so fast. She is so sweet and so fun. She has a little sassy personality that is starting to blossom and her brothers ADORE her. It just melts my heart and surprises me every time I see them rubbing her arm, holding her hand, or giving her kisses. The poor girl doesn't have a chance at having a boyfriend before the age of 30. haha! Here is all about her at half a year old!

  • Weighs 15 lbs. 10 oz. 
  • Moved to size 3 diapers this week
  • Wearing all 6 months clothing, some 3 month pjs still fit but snuggly.
  • Sleeps 11 hours 5 out of 7 nights a week. If she wakes, it's usually around 3:00 to snack for a couple of minutes then goes directly back to sleep.
  • She takes 1-2 naps a day. About an hour long a piece.
  • She loves to sleep in when she gets the chance! 
  • Started saying "dada" two weeks ago and says it all day long. This makes her daddy over the moon since both of the boys said "mama" first. She also says "hiiiiii!" all the time.
  • Has figured out to be mobile backwards. She scoots and crawls to anywhere but just not forwards.
  • Rolly polly. Rolls everywhere. A blanket is no longer useful.
  • Learned to sit up really well this past week. She loves to bend over and pick her toys up. She is really enjoying this new perspective.
  • Likes the jumpy (we still haven't gotten ours down from the attic but likes the one at her Mimi's house) she also still enjoys the swing when she is tired.
  • Had an ear infection this past month :(
  • Actively teething. It looks like her bottom front teeth are right under the surface. I expect them to appear any day now.
  • Loves to look and smile at herself in the mirror and play peek-a-boo. She also loves patty cake and wheels on the bus
  • Takes 6 to 6.5 oz bottles when she takes one, still nurses 5-6x a day
  • Tried avocado and water in a sippy cup yesterday for the first time. Wasn't a fan of the avocado at all. She picked the cup up like she knew exactly what to do.
  • Started a shy phase this past month where she will bury her face or tilt it down like she is being bashful when a stranger talks to her.
  • Still the happiest baby with a smile always on her face.
We love you, sissy! Please slow down. Mommy isn't ready for you to grow up. 

She discovered the chalk board and her doll this month! (hence the smeared letters)