Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sylvie One Month

I've taken a hiatus from the blogging world for good reason, three good reasons actually. Three babies that require all of my attention and time. Whew, they keep me busy. We welcomed our baby girl on November 13th. More on her birth and everything that led up to it to come (hopefully!). Just like I said with both of the boys, time flies by, especially with the third. I'll be honest, the first month has pretty much been a blur. Between her not being the best sleeper to now spending more days in the hospital due to RSV, I feel like my days and nights are starting to all be one. Her first three weeks at home were great! She was sleeping decent, some nights 5-6 hours at a time and then the sickness hit. For going on three weeks now, the poor baby has been coughing, wheezing, and in respiratory distress much of the time. Last week, we spent 3 nights in the hospital and now we are back here trying to get her breathing under control. Even though I feel like she has been sick much of the time she has been here, she has been a super sweet and enjoyable baby. We are soaking in this time with her because we know we will never get it back! Here are a few things about her first month:

  • I weighed her a few days after she turned a month and she was 8 lb. 12. oz. So she gained about 1.5 lbs. Yesterday at the hospital she was 8 lb. 8 oz. Differences in the scales plus her working so hard to breathe this past week probably make the difference.
  • I stuck my foot in my mouth when I said we weren't going to offer her a paci. Well, we have. About 5 different kinds actually and she refuses all of them. The only paci she wants is me. I am okay with that but I will be returning to work in a few weeks and hoping this changes. 
  • She nurses every 2 hours usually. Sometimes every hour and sometimes every 3 hours. She likes to eat and likes to be with her momma.
  • We have tried giving her a bottle a few times. She hates it and wants nothing to do with it. Hoping we can get her to take one sometime soon.
  • She has started following us around the room and tracking objects. 
  • She has smiled a few times purposefully and made a few talking/cooing noises
  • Enjoys are swing and vibrating seat
  • Her hair is still a light brown but she has new hair coming in that is VERY blonde. I can't wait to see what color it will end up being.
  • She isn't a huge fan of being swaddled. This is a first for me as her brothers loved it!
  • She sleeps best right next to momma.
  • Still in a newborn outfits but 0-3 month things fit her.
  • Loves to be rocked and sang to. This is how I normally get her to fall asleep for naps and I love it.
  • She stays awake for probably about 30 minutes at a time, sometimes an hour and sometimes less. This past week she has been very sleepy but we think it is from working so hard to breathe.
  • She loves to be talked to 
  • Tolerates her brothers! haha, but they think the world of her. 
  • Holds her head up well and enjoys tummy time
Sister, we are so thankful you have made our family complete. Now to get you completely well and enjoy your sweetness to it's fullest. We love you, baby girl!