Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sutton 9 months

• Your weight went down a bit and your height went up in the charts! 18.5 lbs and 28.5 inches long. The Dr. said this is normal due to how mobile you've been in the last couple of months.
• You are crawling (very fast), pulling up, and love to do head stands and try to stand up on your own.
• Still nurse 4-5 times a day and eat 3 big meals. You are now eating all food, including meat. You would rather eat off our plates than eat baby food.
• You have added a few more words to your vocabulary. You now say "ball" and "more", which is added to the list of mama, dada, bubba, and bye-bye.
•You love to clap along as soon as we starting singing patty cake! Super cute.
• Diaper changes and changing your clothes are like changing a small animal, it's definitely a chore!
• You have slept really well this past month. I am SO thankful for this! Most nights you sleep 12+ hours.
•Yesterday, I caught you playing with a car and making the motor noise with your lips! Big brother is teaching you stuff every day! 
• Your top four teeth should break through any day!! They are all so close!
• We have the Christmas tree up and you love exploring it :)
• Still take two good naps a day!
• You are still the happiest baby. People comment all the time on how happy and easy going you are!
• Your favorite game right now is us chasing you. You duck your head, crawl as fast as you can, and laugh! 
• You and your brother have several games that you play including you throwing your cup or a toy on the ground and him retrieving it over and over. You usually play like this until he gets tired of it. You think your brother is the best thing ever! 
• You have the sweetest smile!


Happy 9 months, sweet boy! Before we know it, we will be celebrating your first year of life. It has gone by way too fast! 


A few weeks ago, my brother's family came into town and the kids all had a blast together! We soak in every minute we can with them while they are here since we only get to see them 3-4 times a year. We (attempted) to take some pictures of all of them, enjoyed lots of time outside, painted pottery, and celebrated Easton's 3rd birthday.

Pretty girls!
Cutest bunch ever.
Can you tell they cooperated?! haha! What else to expect from 4 under 3 years old!

These boys are two peas in a pod

Picnic at the park, they had too much fun!

Getting ready to paint our annual Christmas plate and his first ornament.

We can't wait for them to come back for Christmas! We also had a great Thanksgiving but I sadly forgot my camera. We were blessed to spend time with both of our families, and ate way too much food!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Argh Matey!": Halloween 2013

We had a great time trick-or-treating this year. Shaw quickly become a pro with Rae as his leader and Sutton enjoyed the scenery from his stroller. The weather was perfect and all our little pirates had a blast!

Happy Fall! We are so thankful this time of year is upon us. Josh loves the hunting time and I love everything else! Ha! It's my favorite time of the year for sure!