Monday, September 30, 2013

The Best

....that is right. The best time is what we have been having. The best time as a family of four, the best time with our two babies, and the best time in this season of life. Life is so busy and very stressful at times but it takes times like this that make me really step back, take a deep breath, and say to myself, "this is exactly where He wants me to be right now". These pictures are from this past Friday night and I do believe these are the best kind of Fridays. Pallet on the floor, movies on the TV, and cuddled up doing nothing!

The sound of these two splashing and playing together in the bath is also the best thing I could hear. I love it when Sutton splashes Shaw and then he will laughingly say, "brother stoopppp it!". They are already best friends, and that, too, is the best thing.

The best things that have ever happened to me. The best things God has blessed me with. So thankful for them.

Sutton 7 months

What an exciting 6th month we had! Sutton is learning so many new things and is becoming such a fun little guy. He has a personality of his own and can give the sweetest cuddles!

  • He weighs 17 lbs 14 oz. Gained right under a lb. this past month.
  • Wearing all 6 months, 6-12, and 9 months clothes
  • I don't ever put shoes on him, but I think he could wear a 2 or 3
  • He learned to wave bye-bye and clap his hands this past month
  • He says "bye bye" while waving
  • He can get up on all fours, rock,  crawl backwards, and go from laying down to sitting up. We are still waiting on him to really take off crawling, it will be any day!
  • Consistently sleeping 7-4/5 every night. Some nights he will sleep until 6 or 7 but it is rare.
  • Started taking better naps this past month. He will take 2 that are about an hour long now.
  • Still saying mama, dada, byebye, and bubba
  • Loves all food now and is a big eater. He can put away a whole pouch of food or container of yogurt and a lot of homemade food! He eats lunch and dinner. Thinking of starting breakfast sometime soon.
  • Loves getting to take big boy baths. He loves to splash in the water and play with all the bath toys.
  • Has thick, red hair. It looks like the red is here to stay!
  • He is still exclusively breastfed and nurses 4-5x a day. He takes 6 oz. bottles when he gets one.
  • Thinks his brother is the best thing in the world!
  • Loves to cuddle but is usually too busy to!
  • Got his first two teeth this past month, the bottom two.
  • Has the funniest cackle and loves to laugh at his brother.
Sutton you are the light of our lives! We love our little ginger baby!

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Day With A Friend

Saturday, Shaw had a friend come over to play while his mommy worked. They had such a good time together and it made me look forward to weekends with a house full of kids. We all played outside, took a bath, ate pizza for lunch, took naps, and played more until Easton had to leave. It was a great day!

Sweet boys!

Sutton 6 months

Half of a year has flown by. Literally, it took off and left me in the dust. It has been a great 6 months being a family of four. Even though this sweet blessing was quite the surprise, I wouldn't do it any other way now. I love that my boys are so close and they seriously love each other SO much. I have to pick my melted heart up off the floor every day over the sweet things Shaw says to Sutton or over the hilarious giggle Sutton will let out towards his brother. Sutton McCrae, you are one sweet, sweet baby and we are so glad we have been blessed with you for half of a year now!

Here's are a few facts about you:
• You weigh right at 17 lbs and you go to the Dr this week so we will have your official stats then.
• I went ahead and moved you up to size 4 diapers. Mainly so I only have to buy one size now...and because we ran out of 3s :). Yes, you and your 2 year old brother wear the same size.
• You are still exclusively breastfed and I TRY to feed you two meals of food a day, breakfast and lunch. 
•You aren't a huge fan of food but your favorite is avocado. You have also tried sweet potato, squash, green peas, carrots, apple sauce, and bananas.
• Food does hurt your belly a little and is one of the reasons why I think you do not like it very much.
• You are consistently sleeping 7ish-5ish but you still have nights where you wake up. Last night you even slept until 6! You sleep in various ways, some nights on your back and some on your belly.
• Your two bottom teeth are super close to coming in, we can even see them under your gums. The mean suckers will just not poke through! 
• The jumpy is your favorite toy. You jump your little heart out!
• You say the sounds (words) bubba, mama, and dada. You started saying them all last week!
• I expect you to start crawling any day. You get your knees under you and just don't know what to do after that.
• You have officially been sitting up alone for a few weeks now and love to play with toys that way!
• We have gotten more comments about your red hair in the last two weeks than ever before. I think it is because your hair is getting so thick! It's such a pretty auburn! Your eye brows are red, too.
• You think your brother is the best thing ever. When he gets close you automatically go for his arm or hand and will hold on to it until he gets tired of you pinning him down!
• Everything is in your mouth! If its not your paci, it's your fingers, clothes, toys...anything and everything.
• You started reaching for us this past month. I really love this milestone! :)
• You are still the happiest, most laid back baby!
• You love to cuddle!

We love you, little brother! You make our hearts so full!