Monday, December 31, 2012

First Hair Cut

I contemplated it for months. Should I TRIM his hair or not?! When I daydreamed about our kids I always pictured little boys (and maybe a little girl?!) with long, curly hair. Well, now I have one of those long, curly haired little boys but he started to look a little disheveled. His hair was always in his eyes and was a little disorganized with all the curls.So, I made my mind up and text my hair dresser. I said something along the lines of, "hey! I need Shaw's hair trimmed, just a little more put together. I am afraid I am going to cry and it will be paparazzi style!". Ha! My mom went with me and I am pretty sure she took at least 50 pictures. I got some of his sweet, newborn hair in an envelope that I will cherish forever. After all, some of it is the very hair that grew on his little head while he was in the womb :). Considering it all, he did pretty good! Even though Meredith had to cut his hair in the chair, in my lap, with him standing up, and with me standing up holding him, it looks great and exactly what I wanted. Still long and curly but more put together. My grandma, who is a retired hair dresser, always told me that as soon as I cut his hair he would no longer look like a baby and would look like a little boy. She was right!

Such a big boy sitting in the chair!

Second position: sitting in my lap.

Now, standing up.

Side precious!
And getting a sucker for being so good!

Christmas Party

Shaw had his first official Christmas party this year at his sitter's house. I wasn't able to attend but I left my camera with him for the day and Ms. Ashley, his sitter's daughter, took some super cute pictures for me. He looks so grown up in all of them. We have been truly blessed with a great environment and great person to watch over him when we can't. The kids all did a gift exchange, which I loved. Also, the week leading up to Christmas I believe he made 3 or 4 different crafts that are now adorning our fridge and one that was put on his Christmas tree in his room. Such sweet memories to put in his keepsake box. From the pictures and what Mrs. Donna said he had a great time!
Silly boy! Look at those teeth behind that paci! 

Even though he isn't looking in this picture I absolutely love it! It shows his true personality..little ham!

Playing games
Opening gifts!

Getting ready to eat a cupcake! A sure treat for him!
All his friends!

Yum Yum!
Thank you Mrs. Donna for such a great party and fun memories!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I just love the holidays and having a toddler makes it oh so much more fun! He loves exploring new things and understands so much that it makes the fun festivities even more entertaining! Last week, we took him to our county's court house to see all the lights and to meet Santa. Josh's mom had taken him the week before but since we had no pictures to document the occasion I wanted to take him back. Even though he had been just a week before we LOVED it! He ran his little heart out all over the court house lawn exploring all the different lit trees and figurines. Our county does a fantastic job at showcasing the courthouse and it is just beautiful! It wasn't too cold and we had a great time. His daddy entertained him while we had to wait in line for about 30 minutes to see Santa. I will let the pictures do the explaining on how he felt about him :). Lets just put it this way, Josh and I walked away saying, "well, next year we will have two that are screaming!ha!". I CAN'T WAIT!

This picture isn't related to that night and he looks like he is in pain, but I had to share this with him in his retro hat and Christmas house shoes!

Amazed by all the lights!

Clapping with excitement!

We saw this expression many times :)

The courthouse. So pretty!

Looking at the Reindeer with daddy. He walked right up to it and said, "deer". If you can imagine his daddy was quite proud!

His new thing is giving lots of kisses. I take all of them I can get!

Taking it all in!

And.....his reaction to Santa!

As soon as I picked him up off of his lap, he stopped crying immediately. I think it must be the bright white beard?! I can't wait to see this little guy's expressions and the wonder in his eyes on Christmas morning!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Big Boy...15/16 months

I am SO mad at myself that the 15 month post is the first monthly post I haven't done. I had great intentions, but obviously not great enough to sit down and do it. So, Shaw turned 16 months yesterday but this post will combine both months. I hate to be one of those over dramatic parents but I really feel like we have hit the terrible two's over this past month. WHEW! Whining, throwing fits, hitting, spankings, "no!" is never ending. I also feel like we have a high maintenance toddler on our hands...I tell Josh all the time that he is finally starting to make up for being such an easy baby! The boy starting sleeping through the night at 9 weeks and was as happy as could be the first year of his life. He is still a happy boy, just a little needy :). His sitter tells us all the time that he is perfect, never whines for her. We have come to the conclusion that he is a social butterfly and loves being around all the other kids. I agree due to the fact that when he is around cousins or other kids his age he is perfect, but when he is at home with just mommy and daddy the boy can't stand it! He is also hilarious and his sitter says he is the class clown and will even have the 4 year olds laughing at him! We are currently trying to transition to a toddler bed. Not for the fact that I am trying to make my baby grow up faster than needed but for the fact that we are having another baby arriving in (hopefully) 3 months and I refuse to buy another crib. We have had about 50/50 success so far. Tonight, I couldn't stand the shear look of terror on his face when we said "night night time" and then the screaming so we just put him in his crib after he feel asleep by his bedroom door for the second night in a row :(. It is like a light turns on in his head because during the afternoon when we are playing in his room he will say "night night" and climb up in it, lay his head down, and act like he is sleeping. It has only been 3 days so we still have a long way to go. Here are a few more facts about our 16 months old:

  • At his 15 month appointment he was 30 in. long and weighed about 20 1/2 lbs.
  • 7 teeth
  • Wearing size 12 and 12-18 months clothes, size 4 and 5 shoe depending on the brand
  • Went through a phase during the 14/15 months where he liked to be rocked to sleep, over that now
  • Difficult eater at the time. Not picky just difficult. He will eat about anything you put in front of him (ex. tonight he ate corn, spaghetti with meat sauce, and cheese bread) but he is full after a few bites. He also has to have a spoon/fork in one hand and is getting very good at getting food to his mouth with it. He can successfully feed himself yogurt with a spoon.
  • Like mentioned above, getting to sleep has been a hassle lately but he is still a great sleeper. This past weekend, he was sleeping 8-9. Loves to sleep in.
  • To prepare for his 15 month post, I started writing a list of words he could say (notice the date). Now, I could probably add 10 more words or phrases to that list including my momma/dadda, boot (button), baba (bath), Nanna, and book. Notice the "what'r you doin'?" phrase. Josh and I just thought we were hearing things until about 10 other people have also heard that one.
  • In the last two weeks, he has gotten where he will go in his room, get a book, and bring it to us for us to read to him saying "book" all the way back. I guess all my nights of reading to him when he couldn't attend for more than 10 seconds are finally starting to pay off.
  • Every night we are outside he points up to the sky and says "moon!". Still loves being outside and has especially loved running, crunching, and playing in the leaves over the last couple of months.
  • He answers all our questions by shaking his head yes or no. He will say "nu uh" but hoping that will change into a yes mam, no mam really soon. Also, working really hard on "thank you" and "more please".
  • Got sick twice over the last months. No fun!
  • Has become quite the dancer. Our nephew taught him the Shaw dance and he does it on a daily basis now. Bending his knees and waving his arms back and forth.
  • I mentioned earlier he calls buttons "boots" and he is quite obsessed with pushing every button he can find.
  • All things he isn't supposed to touch are "hot" to him including the Christmas tree :). We just nod our heads and agree with him that yes, indeed, it is hot.
  • Getting very risky at climbing on things. He still hasn't mastered our tall, slick leather couches but every other thing is climbing material.
  • Loves our dogs more now than ever. When he gets home first thing he does is go let "Livi" out, which is what he calls them both of them the majority of the time. He deeply wishes they had more to do with him.
  • Very much so a momma's boy. When I am with him, I can't get out of his sight.
  • The paci is still his best friend and I see us not getting rid of it anytime soon.
  • His hair has really gotten curly over the last few weeks and I think he is starting to look a little more like me.
    At his 15 month check up

    He is also such the little helper, always wanting to assist with chores around the house. Here he is helping me decorate the tree aka throwing the balls across the living room.

    First night in the toddler bed. The night before he turned 16 months.

    Play time in his room today.


    Shaw Michael you are such a fun, hilarious, loveable little boy. Your grin lights up a whole room when you walk in. We love you so much!

    Catch up...November

    I was looking through all my pictures on my hard drive and started feeling guilty that I haven't posted in 3 weeks, so figured it was time for a catch up post. The month of November was full of family time, being busy, a hard headed but sweet 15 month old, being busy, being 6 months pregnant, working, being get the point! Exhaustion is the word I could use for this month. Some nights I don't sleep good, others I do. I am 6 months pregnant and keeping up with a full time job plus having a 16 month old so I never feel completely rested. Not feeling sorry for myself (actually feeling beyond blessed) just wanted to get the point across :). The month of November also welcomes deer season for the hubs which means nights, or should I say weekends, of him being gone. All details aside, we have been busy and I have had my hands full. I am now 27 weeks pregnant and this pregnancy has gone fantastic so far! We are praying for at least 10 more weeks, and I hope that when I tell people, "I have exactly 3 months left" there is some truth to that. On to what November held. I will let the pictures do most of the talking.
    My sister got married at my parents house. It was family only that attended and very sweet.

    My brother, SIL, nephew, and niece on the way (we are 2.5 weeks a part) came down for the wedding and for my brother to hunt. Cutest nephew ever!
    The wedding was perfect!
    Raeleigh, Easton, and Shaw. Soon to add Nalley and Sutton.
    Siblings. So glad God blessed me with these two.
    Lots of fun cousin time. These two had a blast!

    We took the boys to a great placed geared towards toddlers and young kids one day to run some energy off. So many different things to explore.

    The water table. His favorite.
    We celebrated Easton's second birthday with family and friends.
    Shaw got (what I believe was) the same virus twice, which included this rash on his face.

    We spent a fun day with cousins Rae Rae and Breanna. We painted pottery, did a little shopping, ate lunch, and played outside,

    The one and only picture I got from Thanksgiving.
    What a great month full of fun! Since I am working less now, my goal in the month of December is to not get behind on all the memories we make!