I have been contemplating on starting a blog for a while now, and thought I had plenty of time to start one before our first born came into the world, which is what this post is all about. If you would have asked me a month ago what today would have been like I would have described the following. I would have woke up today with great excitement and anticipation as our last day as a family of two (three if you include our first child, our dog, Oliver). I would have made sure our hospital list was completely fulfilled with everything needed including camera, video camera, and all the necessities that I had asked friends and family about. The hubby and I would have gone on our last date tonight before he arrived and talked with excitement about how tomorrow was going to go. I would have finalized the plans for our dear Oliver with my parents, made sure the house was in perfect condition to bring a newborn home to, and checked the hospital bag (or should I say bags) again...or maybe 3 or 4 times. I would have been so proud of myself and the weeks worth of frozen meals I had prepared since everyone told me I wouldn't have time to cook. Also, I would have posted on this blog about how this was the last day before the love of our life would change our lives forever. Now, rewind to August 2nd. After some complications (that will be another post in itself) our fist born came into the world very unexpectedly five and half weeks early. Shaw Michael Hendricks was born at 6:18 am weighing in at 3 lb. 12 oz. and 17 1/2 inches long. To say the least, his parents were VERY unprepared! Because you see I thought I had it all planned out (as you can see from above) and he was WITHOUT A DOUBT going to make his arrival tomorrow. Instead, we have been loving on our sweet boy for almost a month now. Isn't God and his timing amazing? As I look back on this last month I know that his plan is perfect regardless of what we think. He is so good!
Our little man only seconds old.
Being wheeled off to the NICU.
Even though I have a few more pictures this is the extent of which we got to see him. We didn't get to hold him, or really even really see him, but we knew that he was here and even though he was tiny he was healthy. Detailed story of the delivery and what happened to come, along with our stay in the NICU and him at home so far! I am so excited to start documenting our journey on becoming parents (and catching up on what I had planned to blog before he came).